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As the content provider, UNITY is responsible for its own content that it makes available for use in accordance with general laws. Cross-references to content from other providers must be clearly distinguished from UNITY’s own content. The third-party content is not subject to UNITY’s control, nor is UNITY in a position to influence its content or form. The content of external sites to which UNITY refers by means of links does not reflect the opinion of UNITY, but serves merely to provide information and to illustrate connections. These statements apply to all links and references set within UNITY’s own Internet offering as well as to third-party entries in interactive content offered by UNITY. The provider of the linked page alone is liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damages arising from the use or non-use of such information.
Other Information
UNITY has employees. For ease of reading, we use only the masculine form on this website.
Stock Corporation for Corporate Management and Information Technology
Lindberghring 1
D-33142 Büren
Contact person:
Matthias Schwarzenberg
Phone: +49 2955 743-0
Fax: +49 2955 743-299
Seat of the company:
HRG: AG Paderborn HRB 2723
VAT ID: DE 176 253 436
Management Board: Ulrich Deppe, Tomas Pfänder, Christoph Plass, Dr.-Ing. Frank Thielemann, Philipp Wibbing
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gausemeier
Overall responsibility: Matthias Schwarzenberg
Technical implementation: Leonex
Image sources:
Own images and
Website Managed by: UNITY AG, Lindbergring 1, 33142 Büren, Germany
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